Marin Webstars


The WebStar Program is designed to empower young people through computer training, opportunities to work with the public in a library setting and participation in internship programs with local technology companies. The WebStar Program is also designed to reach out to the community's non-profit agencies to provide support in accessing information and building up the Community Network. The Community Network is the existing community of people and agencies working to build a more prosperous Marin City. Designed for students ages 14-17, WebStars is modeled after the highly successful "Explainers Program" at the San Francisco Exploratorium and the innovative Mac Magic program at Davidson Middle School in San Rafael (The Mac Magic program is jointly sponsored by Apple Computers and Lucas Arts Learning). Collaborative partners include public libraries, schools, private multimedia corporations, county government and local community not-for-profit.

Marin Webstars
164 Donahue St.
Marin City, CA 94901
Organization Type: 
Services Provided: 
Phone Number: 
(415) 332-6158
Parent Organization: 
Marin County Free Library