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There are four housing and development projects proposed in Marin City which the MLK Coalition feels you should be aware of;
1) The plan for a private developer to build in Golden Gate Village;
2) The plan that the Health & Wellness Center has for a new facility;
3) The plan up on the hill for Donahue Highlands;
4). The plan for the Marin City Community Development Corporation’s Empowerment Clubhouse Building at 441 Drake Ave.
Two of these plans are imminent and urgent, and two are preliminary.
The MLK Coalition feels that it is important to have community conversations about these proposed developments now. The goal of these conversations is for you to leave more informed about them and to use that information to determine your next steps, and show solidarity, in community. All of these plans need to be understood for what they are, and for what they are not.
We will have presentations from the Golden Gate Village Resident Council on the Golden Gate Village plan, from Marin City Health & Wellness on their plan, from concerned residents on the Donahue Highlands plan and from Dr. Melissa Cadet on the CDC plan. After these presentations we will break out into small tables and share a meal together. These conversations will be facilitated by representatives from MLK Coalition, in alignment with our mission which is to build a safe, healthy, thriving and self-determining Marin City.
We are grateful to our community school, Bayside/MLK, for hosting this event. This will be a pot-luck dinner, please bring what you can for yourself and others.
Community Conversations on Development Plans for Marin City
Monday, October 28, 5:30pm
Bayside/MLK gym